
Mar 20, 20205 min


Not much to post, yet having watched a lisp pro demonstrate the bottom-up nature of building your own repl, it instills the hope of continuing on this quest to provision a photonic switch fabric ... backplane circuit ... Don't be fooled by the type casting. It just the modeler's attempts at relevance.

Mentioned elsewhere was the saddened discovery of not finding a 'wanted' rendition of the AB_PSM model depicting the proper channeling of the Ports. There was a model built (just like there was an Excel spreadsheet of the PINC's with all there 'lookup functions) that properly channeled the PORTs to the respective LET/LEDS, etc. That properly channeled model was designed with the Libre Draw module, with all of the included naming ... as it was mentioned recently (elsewhere) seems like this model will have to be rebuilt to post here ...

... the 'Let the Light Flow' diagram structure was used in the AB_PSM model with the proper channels ...

Just changed the postdate today. Noted in the CADT_ post that a free UML (?unevaluated?) app "StarUML" has been rendering some html models that may get uploaded here. Still persistent is the class-full sustenance that continues to predominate the modeling in UML where what is desired is the CLOS lisp wears ...

... use clothes as the meaning here mainly because everything wants to be named with its correct references despite their class differences ...

As of now, as Ken Nordine says, this site shall be limited to the six posts posted. Like the pairwise 3 levels of the designed PSM (A-B, A@-B@, A@c-B@c), Like the 3 levels in SDN (Management, Control, Data) planes, And the slippery slops indicated in the transistor-laser's new current law (not yet reviewed).

LET the light FLOW

As post continue their ebb and flow, this LET signal naming was assigned by the numerical sequence of their appearance in the glossary. It's posted here to pinpoint the (new structure(s) [and UML's non-ported ProtocolStateMachines]) of the LET function.

The rotgut [RALT/GALT] of CADT_FLORA (

was a structure that used the GALT as an input pathway into the STATE. The input pathways have been reordered to the LET/LED. This diagram also tries to address the structure's LET, LED and PIN natures. Since html cannot be uploaded the chances of opening the specification of each of the model's contents is not possible. And as a final note, this was to allow the model to been seen as a LET flip/flop by the FLIP process going to the GALT (meaning a lit LET), while the FLOP would pass through the RALT onto the APIN (MAYBE ONE OF THOSE TILTED pico COLLECTOR currents) ...

These (16)Cell-ular slot-like key-structures maintain the constraints that allows Lisp to #sharpen its hold on building a circular ROW-vector ordering ... and As such to this day, if the postings update accordingly, it is still an implementation forecast to become the owners way to enter into the foray of the northern-bound interfaces about to be conceived in the forums over the software orchestrations about to be dispatched ... with SOC vertical fabrications already being staged /-AUTOCAD IS LISP-/ how can the "wanted" front to back layered structure of the various waveforms(colors) NOT be deployed in anything other than some specialized forms of LISP'S functions??? ... I am not well versed in lisp, but it may not even have to be CLOS ...

I came across an "article" the other day-

, and adding to my surprise along with the date of the article, was its depiction of the longitude function and latitude abstraction layers that NBI portends to address, TIHS, I'll just stick it in here for you because I'm beginning to believe that as this journey unfolds, and some kind of standard frame of reference may require implementation into developments, there may come a time when things will need to be hard-coded into something tangible. My starting point of reference for an NBI was in an API for controlling the switch/router layer … and of course where am I? [Right in the middle]

I will eventually post in a header somewhere how my operation of this site, mostly since I am not the host, has conditions that curtails free comments postings via the plugins attribute settings(maybe), that its best for the moment that these 6 posts stand as places where further posts will be added on rather than posting new ones ... ... ...

Today this blog has been updated to the latest rendition ... postings will continue when lag is addressed (on my part) ...

In believing that lag was the issue, posting is again being applied. In the OPenROADM realm is the place where thoughts will appear to flow today. For it has been said (and it can also be a given) that someone has done this: ' ' I have converted StateCharts to Lisp (macros) '. I've sent that statement onto its mention-er in the hopes that I could be shown the light of how this simple outburst could be a thing that I could apply in this place for all to see. With the intended use of a lisp induced performance of this HAT-trick [Hierarchical_array_tree], in its role as a CAM-shaft[Content_addressable_memory] holding its own SDN_Routing machinations, pinging -n- tinging along its merry way towards LETting the light paths required to accomplish its goals become manifest, its lisp coded revelation would be a nice and shiny thing for me to see.

Just so you know it still looks like a board thing to me, because just as FlipFlops are bistable, a LET flipping -n- flopping looks like the same process to me. Its just that with light's being one with the current shinning on the subject matter the tilted nature of its operations need looking at. ... ... ... Maybe some poetic nature will be induced in through this realm ... ... ..


Was posting newness on top but will try adding to the bottom now. Also changed posting date. It comes to my attention that the concepts that I am trying to capture may/are well beyond my reach at the moment. As it seems that I could be attempting to mix user space and kernel space in one place. These types of operations may be easy enlist if one were to say be proficient in the art of some lisp.

I've come to accept that it may be a better proposition for me to try to develop this thing as what its original intentions were. It started as a game. The object of the game was based on using the 13 card values of each suite. Beyond that, the end of the game, was reaching the end position. That was pretty much it. This original game design is also pretty much lost in the complexity of what the data-structure has evolved into. While the 2-LED multi-stable-vibrator[flip/flop] seems to has had the effect of taking its hold on conceptual things, the LET(light-emitting-transistor) has just as much, I'll be contented in trying to give it all a little KISS(keep-it-simple-stupid), and try really hard to come down from this architectural astronautical view and begin to assess how this thing could just blink the lights like a blinky.

OK, just learned today that there is such a thing as an RGB-LED. So along with the revelations of those many examples of LED-Cubes I will try my best to kiss this off to a new start to where the modus operandi is for this design to give us all a good light show.

The hex value boils down to a [13 by 8] x 4, considering the redundant nature of the last 4 column spaces, and by 4, to represent the colors. The state-machine mentioner mentioned also the use of splines in a sound display which is rendering hardware performance computations using Actors. Will I ever learn?
